Monday, September 2, 2013

The trouble with Mondays...

It's always there, the day after Sunday.... it's commonly known as Monday.
For all the students and 9-5ers out there, it's the first day of your week. It is the beginning of your daily grind... and if you're like me, you need a little dose of caffeine to get you started on those long days.
Today is Labor day and I have to work... not only that, but I will be the only manager on duty all day. My first instinct was to complain about the fact that I worked the Fourth of July when I first began working at Cato... and then I stopped and looked at the good bits... I get Friday off, along with my normal day off during the week. So, instead of complaining about having to work today, I get to look forward to two days off... and that is something to rejoice about.
Philippians 4:4 reads: Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again, Rejoice!
As I get home from work today, I am blessed to have a job that I love, I am blessed to have an amazing husband and stinky dog (the later of which,I am not so thankful)... and we have a home and food and clothes... What are you rejoicing for on this first Monday of the challenge?


  1. today was a restful, productive day. Being a holiday helped, but it was a nice mix of getting things done, and sitting and reading. I hope the restfulness continues through a very busy week. God is good!

    1. I love days like that... I'll get a chance to relax and read tomorrow... I'm excited!
