Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Being still in a world gone mad

I have been locked in a cage, metaphorical of course... but a cage nonetheless. Ironically, it has been a cage of my own making. Chaining up the dreams for reality, taking the course that was less bumpy instead of grabbing hold of my passions and running for it. Lately I've been missing my muchness... to steal a turn of phrase from the Mad Hatter.
I have allowed the hustle of the store, my lack of writing and my frustration with where I am right now bottle up inside of me... this morning as I was driving up to the store because we were short one person, I was listening to music on my phone and a song on the playlist started playing and I almost started crying.... the song was Be Still by The Fray... the words are so close to Psalm 46:10a:
Be STILL, and know that I am GOD

These words calm me this afternoon as I settle in to write. They echo through my soul as I ready myself to start preparation for Thanksgiving and Christmas... they reverberate as I think of the horrible things that are happening around me in this world.... they remind me that God is still God, no matter the circumstances, no matter what... he is God.
Take some time from your busy day to listen and reflect on this gorgeous song.
Have a blessed day.