Monday, September 23, 2013

Encouragement on a rushed morning...

I dislike being late... but at the same time, I like to look nice for work... I always get those needling thoughts in the back of my mind... I'm not good enough, I'm not smart or pretty enough... and those just add to my Monday... So on this Monday, remember the one who created you and know that he did not make mistakes... to God, you are worth more than Gold.

Happy Monday!!!

Monday, September 16, 2013

So you had a bad day...

I've had my share of bad days... or the "mean reds" as Holly Golightly called them in Breakfast at Tiffany's.
Whether I am at work, or simply at home, feeling lazy. There are lots of reasons for bad days. When bad days (or Mondays) happen, we have two choices... if you're like me, you sometimes choose the path of complaining... we sit and grumble and whine about how our lives are not fair. The other choice is a lot tougher... we can buck up, take the good with the bad and let our joy confuse people.
Remember Philippians 4:4? Rejoice in the Lord always, again I say, Rejoice!
There are several websites that offer lists of things to do when you are having a bad day... quick fixes to turn your day around.
All of them said that we needed to forget the situation, talk to someone who encourages us... if you need to call or skype, get in touch with someone who provides you with positive encouragement. If you read further in Philippians, verses 7 & 8 to be exact, they read: “And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus”. Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things.
When you meditate on the things of God, rather than the pettiness of our own human nature... our attitudes shift.
When my bad days rear their ugly heads, I tune them out, listen to positive music... and I find that my bad mood shifts and a smile creeps onto my face.
So instead of a bad day, shift your focus and remember the words from Philippians... whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely [...] meditate on these things.
Don't let the "mean reds" or a bad mood spoil your day.... Repeat after me... Monday's are not your enemy... say it throughout the day if you need to, and have a blessed and happy Monday.

Monday, September 9, 2013

What is your favorite thing about Monday?

And no, I am allowing "the end of the day" as an answer....
Me personally, if I work, I look forward to shipment... it's a time to get a lot done. We, as a management team have to unpack and prep the shipment for our part timers to put out onto the floor. It's always an exciting time because you feel like you are racing the clock to get it all done by a specific time. This way, you can get the store in order for the customers to enjoy the new product. I really enjoy helping customers find something that they weren't expecting.
Does your Monday start with grumbling or singing?
Bless the Lord Oh my soul, oh my soul. Worship your Holy name, sing like never before, oh my soul. I'll worship your Holy name

Enjoy your Monday, let your heart be singing when the day comes to a close.

Monday, September 2, 2013

The trouble with Mondays...

It's always there, the day after Sunday.... it's commonly known as Monday.
For all the students and 9-5ers out there, it's the first day of your week. It is the beginning of your daily grind... and if you're like me, you need a little dose of caffeine to get you started on those long days.
Today is Labor day and I have to work... not only that, but I will be the only manager on duty all day. My first instinct was to complain about the fact that I worked the Fourth of July when I first began working at Cato... and then I stopped and looked at the good bits... I get Friday off, along with my normal day off during the week. So, instead of complaining about having to work today, I get to look forward to two days off... and that is something to rejoice about.
Philippians 4:4 reads: Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again, Rejoice!
As I get home from work today, I am blessed to have a job that I love, I am blessed to have an amazing husband and stinky dog (the later of which,I am not so thankful)... and we have a home and food and clothes... What are you rejoicing for on this first Monday of the challenge?