Thursday, August 29, 2013

It's gonna be one of those days...

Do you dread Mondays? Do they always seem to get you down?
Have you noticed that Mondays have gotten a bad reputation?

Somewhere, in the history of man, Mondays became the bane of our existence. I know, from my own experience, school instilled that thought into my head. Summers and weekends were sacred.
When I grew up, that was reduced to weekends, bank holidays and Christmas.
Sunday would come to a close and my stomach would fall to the pit of my stomach at the thought of going to work the next day. Nowadays, it's not so much the case... I love my job. Perhaps, this is the reason that God gave me the idea.
So, Mondays... they have become the villain in our society, stealing our joy in the final hours of Sunday, stressing us out and just plain annoying us as we think of all that we have to do.
I've decided to take a radical step of faith to hijack that way of thinking...

Start each Monday on a positive note... we'll have some fun debunking popular "Monday" songs, studying a verse or two and enjoying some worship time to, hopefully, change our attitudes towards this misunderstood day. There will be an opportunity to share some of the blessings you, the reader, experience, as well as some pitfalls that you found to be true about Monday.
Will you join me in accepting the challenge?
Can we learn to trust Monday, or will we learn that all Mondays really are Manic... thoughts... comments?

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