Monday, December 3, 2012

A Thrill of Hope...

... the weary world rejoices, for yonder breaks a new and glorious morn!

What thrills you?

I know that when God gives me an idea or a blog idea and I can barely write fast enough to capture the thought, I get excited to share it....
It thrills me to think that the words God blessed me with reaching people... even if it is just one.... there's potential that God will speak to them through those words.
When I was a kid, I loved Christmas... still do, actually... but I was always so thrilled by the lights, the music and the "magic" of the season... It was such a happy time.
I was born with sleep apnea and for the first 13 years, I had to sleep strapped up to a machine that monitored my breathing. The Christmas excitement would build and build and then I would have to wait for my parents to wake up to be able to go down and see the presents and open them. It felt like hours waiting for my parents... which only built up the excitement more.
Now that I am older, I sometimes feel like I've lost a little of that thrill-ability (I know its not a word... not let's watch the grammar peoples go nuts!)... anyway, I still hope and dream, but I don't get that thrill as often. Until Christmas, that is, and then I wish that I could bottle that feeling for the rest of the year.
As I write this, I am reminded of the hymn All That Thrills My Soul. We used to sing it in church, and although it's not a Christmas song, it's a good wake up call for me... after the trees and the lights are put away, after all the gifts are opened (and let's face it, sometimes returned)... let Jesus be a thrill of hope eminating from your soul like a candle, inspiring hope in this weary world.

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