Thursday, October 17, 2013

Taking a spiritual inventory

in·ven·to·ry [in-vuhn-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee] plural in·ven·to·ries, verb, in·ven·to·ried, in·ven·to·ry·ing. noun 1. a complete listing of merchandise or stock on hand, work in progress, raw materials, finished goods on hand, etc., made each year by a business concern.
If you've ever held a job at a retail style store, you know what I am talking about... inventory. That day where you either go in early, or stay really late to take stock of what merchandise is in the store... the sales associates come in and scan each piece of merchandise in the store. Each piece is scanned and cataloged in the computer and infractions or missing pieces are taken into account.
It's a painstaking experience that, if you are tired or stressed in any way, can be more frustrating than anything. Each display is scanned and then counted again to verify the scanned count. After that, each section is then audited and recounted or re-scanned if necessary.
So where am I going with this?

How many times do we take stock of our lives? Ask the tough questions and are really honest with ourselves. An inventory is a catalog... a count of stock... so how does this translate to our lives? On the PBS website, they provide questions that pierce through the frivolousness at the surface of life and confront us with the value and significance this precious gift of a human life offers. Who have I been all this time?
How have I used my gift of a human life?
What do I need to "clear up" or "let go of" in order to be more peaceful?
What gives my life meaning?
For what am I grateful?
What have I learned of truth and how truthfully have I learned to live?
What have I learned of love and how well have I learned to love?
What have I learned about tenderness, vulnerability, intimacy, and communion?
What have I learned about courage, strength, power, and faith?
What have I learned of the human condition and how great is my compassion?
How can I best share what I've learned?
Who am I?

While we have this life before us, what will we do with the time that we have left? What legacy will we leave behind when we go? What will people say about us after we are gone?
It's never too early, or late to take stock of your life....
Acts 20:24 reads; However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace.
What will you do with the time you have left? Will you live it all with no regret. Will they say that you loved till your final breath? What will you do with the time? -Mark Schultz

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