Saturday, February 1, 2014

Daydreams and wanderlust

This blog has been silent for three and a half months... mostly due to the hustle and bustle of various holidays and a crazy, unrelenting work schedule.
In this time, I have changed a lot about myself... for the better, I hope.
My husband has gotten me into a series of lectures called Ted Talks... they feature speakers in all areas and aspects of life. As I was watching one featuring a poet by the name of Billy Collins, he read a poem that stuck out to me... one that reflects how my brain has viewed writing as of lately...
by Billy Collins

My pen moves along the page
like the snout of a strange animal
shaped like a human arm
and dressed in the sleeve of a loose green sweater

I watch it sniffing the paper ceaselessly
intent as any forager that has nothing on its mind
but the grubs and insects
that will allow it to live another day

It wants only to be here tomorrow
dressed, perhaps, in the sleeve of a plaid shirt
nose pressed against the page
writing a few more dutyful lines

while I gaze out the window
and imagine Budapest
or some other city
where I have never been

I will hopefully be getting back into the blogging soon, as I have missed it... there is a strange longing and emptiness as I dutifully get up and head to work, knowing that my heart is at home or some cozy corner of the world, sitting in front of my computer... writing... but until that day, I must go about life. I am thankful for my life and my job, don't get me wrong... there is a part of me that thinks there is something awesome coming just around the corner... but I am impatient and want it now...
Psalm 46:10 has been echoing in my brain lately... be still and know that I am God... and the being still for me is the hardest part. spiritual wanderlust is setting in after the cold season of winter... so, here's to the new year, a new day and a time when I can be still and relax... new life, new growth, new adventures... Here's to an amazing 2014 (only a month late...)
Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Sarah - I understand how you are feeling. You must live your life to bring things to your heart and mind to write about. We always change and seek new adventures. I am praying for you and what's next. ♥
